Sea Pink

A long day in which it would have been easier to fall into the couch and watch mind-numbing tv all night. Instead we threw some pasta and cold sausages along with pear and apple juice into a picnic bag and set off for Stonehaven. We hiked up to the war memorial looking back over the seaside village, we studied the young men's names on the walls and looked out to the gorse covered cliffs and Dunnottar castle beyond. We continued along the cliff path making our way down to the stony beach beneath the castle itself and found a large piece of driftwood to perch on whilst we enjoyed our outdoor dinner. A fresh sea breeze bristled past us as the waves lapped the shore. I found myself taken with the sea pink (or thrift) admiring its ability to thrive in such exposed conditions. After some more seaside and castle explorations, we returned the same way casting an eye over the ever changing undulating landscape as the light began to fade. 

The adventures don't always need to be big and to far flung locations.  Sometimes, what's on our doorstep is all the therapy we need. 


Sea Pink (Sea thrift)